Regulating Nanotechnology’s Potential Environmental and Health Hazards ⎯ Examining Taiwan’s Existing Legal Regimes and Some Comments for Future Development

Regulating Nanotechnology’s Potential Environmental and Health Hazards ⎯ Examining Taiwan’s Existing Legal Regimes and Some Comments for Future Development


Regulating Nanotechnology’s Potential Environmental and Health Hazards ⎯ Examining Taiwan’s Existing Legal Regimes and Some Comments for Future Development
Hsing-Hao Wu
Nanotechnology, Nano-materials, Risk Management, Scientific Uncertainty, Precautionary Principle
The rapid development of nanotechnology has changed the momentum of human
civilization. Numerous nanoproducts in market are changing the way of life.
The promise of nanotechnology has attracted intense investment in supporting
nanotechnology development. Some scientists, however, are skeptical of the optimism
of developing the nanotechnology in full speed. Some early studies suggest
that many of these tiny nano-particles have unique ability to penetrate human body
or to persist in the environment. Some even indicate that nanomaterials pose
greater potential health hazards to conventional substances. Many commentators,
however, criticize these studies for a lack of scientific certainty. The lesson from
the development of biotechnology has indicated that postpone of any early regulatory
intervention had lead to consumer mistrust. This article suggests that the government
shall propose a plan for the establishment of nanotechnology legal framework.
In order to prevent outrageous regulatory response to nanotechnology development, such as a total ban or taking no actions at all, this article suggests a stepby-step
legal process based on the development of ongoing research in nanotoxicology.
Abstract Article



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