The Architecture of Information Privacy: Legal Analysis on Location Based Services

The Architecture of Information Privacy: Legal Analysis on Location Based Services


The Architecture of Information Privacy: Legal Analysis on Location Based Services
Ya-Hui Lin
privacy, Location Based Services (LBS), Telecommunications Act
 More and more carriers purchase commercial location service solutions
from location commerce platform providers that integrate network-based or GPS
technologies with applications and content to deliver services to an end-user wireless
device. Application providers develop services like news delivery, weather
forecasting, restaurant or movie guides, location-based couponing and other commerce-related
wireless programming. To match consumers with merchants effectively
in the location services environment, application providers may develop a
profile of an end-user’s interests and then access content sources matching those
interests with favorite products. This comment addresses fundamental privacy
concerns raised by the Location Based Services (LBS). First, it provides a brief
explanation of how location-tracking technology works and describes ways that
wireless carriers and non-carriers will use the technology to deliver location-based
services. This section also provides a general overview of consumer privacy concerns
that flow from using this technology. Second, this comment proposes a solution-a
property regime for personal data replaces today’s liability regime to achieve a sound regulatory framework of data protection. Finally, this comment
examines the privacy infringement occurred in the value chain of location based
services and suggests additional legislations enacted in Telecommunications Act,
Data Protection Act, Criminal Act and other related regulations in Taiwan
Abstract Article



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