Blindspot of NCC’s Proposed Draft Communications Act and Regulation Revision to Communications Convergence: A Critique from the Cultural Citizenship/ Communication Rights Perspective

Blindspot of NCC’s Proposed Draft Communications Act and Regulation Revision to Communications Convergence: A Critique from the Cultural Citizenship/ Communication Rights Perspective


Blindspot of NCC’s Proposed Draft Communications Act and Regulation Revision to Communications Convergence: A Critique from the Cultural Citizenship/ Communication Rights Perspective
Shih-Hung Lo
draft Communications Act, National Communications Commission (NCC), cultural citizenship, communication rights, citizen/consumer
Against the backdrop of convergence and competition, communications regulation
in Taiwan has been moving towards a single regulator overseeing both telecommunications
and media sectors. To meet the regulatory challenge in the context
of communications convergence, the newly established single communications
regulator, the National Communications Commission (NCC), has proposed a draft
Communications Act. However, the draft Communications Act has its own
blindspot, for putting too much weight on the wants of consumers rather than needs
of citizens. Taking the perspective of cultural citizenship and communication
rights, this article offers a critique of the draft Communications Act and NCC’s
proposed regulation revision to communications convergence.
Abstract Article



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