Whose Life Is Worthless ⎯⎯The Ethic and Legal Issues of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Whose Life Is Worthless ⎯⎯The Ethic and Legal Issues of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis


Whose Life Is Worthless ⎯⎯The Ethic and Legal Issues of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Shu-Yu Theng
preimplantation genetic diagnosis, genetic test, biotic ethic, generate technology, genetic counseling
Doctors applied the technology of preimplantation genetic diagnosis to help a
woman have a health baby in England. In June 2006, National Taiwan University
Hospital also announced it had developed such technology, which can produce
health babies for parents. The special diseases such as Osteogenesis Imperfect,
Thalassaemia-the genetic defects can be found before birth. There is no relative
principle or guideline in our country. Because the health creatures have competitiveness,
the said technology brings parents hope. However, is there any danger of
such technology? Who has the right to decide which embryo is worthless? What
kind of standard should it be followed ? Is there any boundary in laws? What are
the regulations in other countries? The questions above-mentioned are the points of
the research.
Abstract Article



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