Gambling 2.0: A Study of US Legislation on Internet Gambling ⎯Also with the Respect of Taiwan Criminal Law


Gambling 2.0: A Study of US Legislation on Internet Gambling ⎯Also with the Respect of Taiwan Criminal Law
Jung-Chin Kuo
Internet Gambling, Mobile Gambling, Wire Act of 1961, Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, Nevada State, Criminal Law, Youth Gambling, Pathological Gambling, Money Laundering
The recent development of internet and digital technology has changed the
gambling industry. The traditional gambling business which has operated for hundreds
of years is decaying, and the modern internet gambling which can operate
non-stop across the border is growing rapidly. However, in the mean time, there are
no globally convergent opinions about internet gambling. Currently, internet gambling
is still illegal in most of countries where traditional gambling is permitted.
Even in the US, a country where traditional gambling has been lawful for a long
time, there has been much controversy and dispute over the issues of governing
internet gambling. The US Federal Government not only clearly declared its position
of against internet gambling right after the first internet gambling website was
established, it also passed a bill, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
of 2006, to reinforce its attitude towards this issue. However, some state governments
still decided to legitimate internet gambling due to its enormously potential
earnings and tax benefits. For example, internet gambling and mobile gambling
was permitted in 2001 and 2005 respectively in Nevada State. In this study, I will
focus on the relevant federal laws and Nevada State laws regard to internet gambling. I hope my in-depth study on their differences can result in a thorough understanding
of internet gambling. Moreover, it is worth to know whether our Criminal
Law has different point of view on traditional gambling and internet gambling, despite
any kind of gambling is prohibited in Taiwan.
Abstract Article



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