Empirical Study on the Twelve-Year Practice of Taiwan Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law

Empirical Study on the Twelve-Year Practice of Taiwan Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law


Empirical Study on the Twelve-Year Practice of Taiwan Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law
Tien-Pang Chang
integrated circuit, circuit layout, chip, Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law, Chip Protection Act, empirical study, empirical analysis
Semiconductor industry is essential to Taiwan’s economic development. The
Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law in 1995 was special legislative protection
for the semiconductor industry. Some contend that the law is necessary to secure
Taiwan’s interests, and some contend that the law is only a result under the
pressure of Section 301 of US trade law. However, it has been twelve years after
passage of the Integrated Circuits Layout Protection Law. This article attempts to
review the practice of the law by empirical study. Especially, this article surveys
the litigations in the courts and registrations in the Intellectual Property Office and
tries to analyze the reasons. Besides, this article also explains the trend and provides
some comments on the law.
Abstract Article



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