Conflicts and Resolutions of International Trade Law and International Law of Environment in International Trade of GMOs: A Perspective of WTO Biotech Products Case

Conflicts and Resolutions of International Trade Law and International Law of Environment in International Trade of GMOs: A Perspective of WTO Biotech Products Case


Conflicts and Resolutions of International Trade Law and International Law of Environment in International Trade of GMOs: A Perspective of WTO Biotech Products Case
Yao-Ming Hsu
international trade law, international law of environment, conflicts of norms, GMO, Biotech Products Case
From general theories of international trade law and international law of environment,
this article focuses on the possible conflicts between WTO legal systems
and Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It illustrates the possible resolutions
from the point of view of Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE) in WTO
and its Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), and their promotion of multilateralism.
Besides, this article analyses the possible resolutions from the legal interpretation
and the rules of Conflicts of Norms, too. At last, it indicates an example of these
possible conflicts and resolutions, the recent WTO Biotech Products Case, to demonstrate
the possibility for the DSB to refer to others international norms in concrete
Abstract Article



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